Electrical engineering,
Environmental microbiology and applications gene transfer and bacterial adaptation,
Ecological engineering,
Power electronics,
High diagnosis and safety of operation.
Research activities related to electric energy utilization management. In order for these to be optimally conducted, important and original testing means have been made available to the researchers :
High voltage Test center,
Electromagnetic compatibility Test center (EMC)
45kW diagnosis platform for electrical systems
Characterization and reliability platform for passive components
Characterization platform for power SC components and systems
Centre d’essais Haute Tension,
Centre d’essais de compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM)
Plate forme diagnostic 45 kW
Enceinte climatique d’endurance et de vieillissement
Banc de caractérisation de composants
Supercomputing and Innovative Parallel Methods:
Innovative and massively parallel numerical techniques for multiphase computational fluid dynamics, such as anisotropic mesh adaptation (theory and applications) and its coupling with immersed volume methods; imaging, with automatic reconstruction of numerical models from 3D images, offline and online computations.
Advanced Modelling & Numerical Methods for Engineering:
Advanced Model Order Reduction methods for real time simulation, optimization, inverse analysis, control, uncertainty quantification and real time decision making in computational physics and engineering; data based engineering science and technology for material, processes, structures and systems: monitoring, times series and images analysis. Data-driven, data-mining, machine and manifold learning and BigData. An ESI Group industrial chair is endorsed for these research activities.
Engineering Applications:
Multiscale Computational Composites Processing and Rheology, from flowing microstructures and flows in microstructures in suspension or nanocomposites, to process simulators applied to RTM, SMC, compression, etc. by developing homogenization and upscaling techniques; Bio-engineering and Bio-physics, computational surgery for real time simulators, computational anatomy and statistical shape analysis for patient specific treatment; Urban modeling and simulation and Building Physics.
Supercomputer LIGER
Algebra, Geometry, Logic
Combinatorics, Number Theory
Partial Differential Equations, Analysis
History of Mathematics
Mathematical modelling, Scientific Computing
Probability, Statistics, Mathematical Physics
The institute is divided into 5 scientific groups, some of which are themselves divided into thematic teams: Applied Analysis (AA) Arithmetic, Geometry, Logic and Representations (AGLR) (3 teams): Arithmetic and Information Theory (ATI) – Programming Logic (LDP) – Representations of Reductive Groups (RGR) Analysis, Geometry, Topology (AGT) Random Mathematics (ALEA) (4 teams): BioMaths Alea (BMA) (2 themes): Mathematics and Algorithms for Systems Biology (MABioS) and Mathematics, Evolution, Biology (MEB) – Probability (PROBA) – Signal and Image (SI) – Statistics (STA) Geometry, Dynamics, Arithmetic, Combinatorics and their Interactions (GDAC)
The NANO LYON technology centre based at INL allows its staff to create microelectronic and optoelectronics components for Microsystems and biochips.
Main equipment :
A white room equipped with electronic and optic lithography, material deposition, an ionic reactive engraving reactor and a platform for chemical micro-manufacturing.
Two epitaxy reactors by molecular projections for III-V and two plasma reactors for depositing dielectrics.
Characterization equipment (electric, optic, structural, surfaces).
Calculation means.
Industrial flows: Obstacle wakes – Turbomachinery – Aeroacoustics – Rotors – Fluid-structure interactions – Flow instability…
Materials, Industrial Processes: Reactive jets and fronts – Combustion – Solidification and fragmentation – Bending of flexible materials…
Natural Environment, Environment, Universe: Sprays and drops – Waves and tsunamis –
3 large wind tunnels including an ocean – atmosphere interaction at Luminy unique in Europe, a 2m x 2m wood subsonic blower and a smaller one.
3 hydrodynamic channels including one with free surface analog with a partner of Cornell U. (USA) A variable-wall canal, a Herod erosion study channel, a swell channel, a Hexapode offshore test platform.
2 combustion test platforms, a vertical jet study room, a stratified flow platform, vortex dynamics, atomization or solid fragmentation, a directional solidification study, a room biomechanics with research benches dedicated to cardio-vascular releases, vertebrae, PIV instrumentation, visualization, fast cameras, a parallel calculator, etc.
free-surface hydrodynamics,
fluid-structure interactions,
dynamics of the atmosphere,
systems approach for ground and marine propulsion systems.
SEM-REV, Offshore test site
LiDAR-Light Detection And Ranging
Materials : heteroepitaxy, nanostructuration, nanostructures, multifunctional integration on Si, nanocharacterization.
Electronics : micro-nanoelectronics, circuit and systems conceptions on chip, TCAD, MEMS-NEMS…
Photonics and Photovoltaics : micro-nanophotonics, optoelectronics, M(N)OEMS…
Biotechnology and Health : nanobiotechnologies, micro-nano-biosystems, biomedical sensors, i-wear…
– AEVOL : Evolution simulation software
– AMBER: An ITS to Teach Solving Arithmetic Word Problems
– DGTAL: Digital Geometry Tools and Algorithms
– LIRIS-VISION: Library and tools for vision applications
– MEPP: 3D mesh processing platform
– OASIS : Augmented Reality Platform
– PLEIAD: Document Enrichment, Indexing and Analysis
– SoCQ4Home: Service-oriented Continuous Query for Smart Buildings
– TBS : generic kernel for Trace-Based Systems
– UD-SV : Modular platform for urban data processing and visualization
Materials and Structures :
Contact, friction, interfaces
Micro-mechanics and scale transitions
Multiphysic couplings
Waves and Imaging :
Medical Ultrasound
Modeling for waves
Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation
Acoustique sous-marine, sismique et sismologie
Sounds :
Auditory Perception
Environmental Noise
Instruments de musique
Anechoic complex composed of 2 anechoic rooms as well as a semianechoic room coupled with an excitation cabin – Ultrasound scanners – Research ultrasound scanners programmable in emission/reception – Mechanical traction and fatigue testing machines – Hydraulic power station for dynamic tests – Audiometric cabins – Piano disklavier – Microtomograph (Federation equipment) 2 Technological platforms: Thermoplastic Composites Platform MAS Music Audio Sounds Platform
Acoustic Center : experimentation, modeling and numeric simulation.
Complex fluids and Transfers : aerothermodynamics, multiphase flows and interfaces, environment, turbulent scalar mixings.
Turbulence and stability : hydrodynamic instability, turbulent flow, coupled phenomena between hydrodynamics and macroscopic physics.
Turbomachinery : understanding of the physical phenomena and methods and models
Turbomachinery testing grounds,
Anechoic chamber,
Atmospheric diffusion wind tunnel,
Automobile engine testing grounds,
Scientific computation centre,
Small dimensions installations for fundamental research and specified applications
Systems Design and Operation,
Robotics, Processes and Calculation,
Data Science and Decision-making,
Signals, Images, Ergonomics and Languages,
Software and Distrituted Systems Science
Electric Bench,
Electropneumatic actuators,
Driving simulator,
Real-Time Software
Orthoglide 3 and 5 axes,
Humanoid Robots,
Dual-arm platform
Robotics Fast and Precise,
Hands underpowered,
Virtual Reality,
Flying Machines,
Flexible assembly line,
BATIPRINT3D cell, HSM cell and water jet cutting,
Bio-inspired Robotics, HWR2,
Network and loT platform,
Psycholab and Usserlab,
RMP Platform
Eco-designed robotics,
Robotics and health
Tribology : science of friction, of wear, of lubrication and adherence.
System dynamics : science of the stability’s vibrations of the systems and mechanical organs.
Heterogenic environments’ and procedures’ mechanics : structures’ calculation, transformation works and procedures.
In the field of Tribology and Surface Studies as in the one from Vibrations :
original tribometers,
surface and material analysis techniques
vibrating testing grounds
ITC: Aerodynamic flows – Biological flows – Flows for magnetic fusion – Hydrodynamics and parietal transfers TONIC: Thermal effects in rotating systems – Waves and submerged interfaces – Modeling of reactive multiphase flows – Modeling and simulation of forest fire propagation – Thermodynamics of TED mixtures : Biological Processes – Thermal Processes – Tools and Transverse Approaches PROMETHICS: Micro-objects deformable under hydrodynamic forcing – Microfluidics and processes – Organization of flows at small scales – FSC membrane separations: Supercritical extraction – Supercritical fractionation – Particle generation, crystallization, encapsulation – Impregnation (polymeric matrices and implants, silicas. EPM : Membrane bioreactor – Characterization of membranes and drinking water – Industrialization of processes and CFD – Transport and Metrology properties – Effluent treatment – Process intensification